Privacy Policies

We respects your privacy, and seeks to comply with applicable legal requirements in respect of data collections, processing and transfer. By using or the Services offered through (and thus accepting the Terms of Use), you expressly consent to using your Information, as outlined in this Privacy Policy. Your use of the Website is subject to your acceptance of the Terms of Use of and this Privacy Policy. If you do not accept the Terms and this Privacy Policy, then you must discontinue your use of

Information about our customers is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling that to others. We share the information collected by us, only

Collecting Personal Information and its use,

In the course of your use of, you provide us with certain information, as mentioned below (collectively referred to as the “Personal Information”), which we may collect, store and use for providing the Services and performing our contractual obligations, other than allowing us to better understand the Website users and improve the layout and functionality of

Information about your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, billing and credit/debit/charge card information, order history, feedback, about your visits to and use of (including your IP address, geographical location, browser type and version, operating system, referral source, length of visit, page views, and website navigation etc.)
Information relating to any transactions carried out between you and us on or in relation to, including information relating to any purchases you make of our Products or Services.
Information that you provide to us for registering with us as a Registered User (including your Account details).
Information that you provide to us for subscribing to Services, e-mail notifications, and/or newsletters.
Any other information that you choose to send to us; and feedback including Product/Service reviews.

We may use the Personal Information that you provide or that is obtained by us:
To register you with and to administer and provide our Services, as mentioned on fulfill our agreement of providing Services to you, including those relating to your purchase of Products and their processing and obtaining payment;

We may supplement the Personal Information that you provide to us with information that we receive from third parties (e.g., credit reference agencies).

Fraud Prevention,

In order to protect our customers and us from fraud and theft, we may share all or any of the Personal Information that we obtain (for confirming identity and other information in our customer records, including how you conduct your Account etc.), with retailers and to financial and other organizations (including law enforcement agencies) involved in fraud prevention and detection, to use in the same way.

Telephone Calls,

All Telephone calls (incoming/outgoing) may be recorded to verify content and may be used together with your records for regulatory compliance, quality control, and staff training, preventing, or detecting criminal activity and for complaint resolution.

Disclosure of Your Information,

While we will make every effort to safeguard and keep confidential the information provided to us, only use by , for the following reasons:

In carrying out the activities specified in this section, we may transfer Personal Information to reputable organizations or companies outside Kuwait. We take steps to ensure that your information will be accorded the same level of protection as that required of us under applicable Kuwait law. By agreeing to the Terms and this Privacy Policy, you expressly agree to such sharing of Personal Information.


New technologies are emerging on the Internet that help us deliver customized visitor experience. may use such new technologies, including cookies or other technologies, to remember your information when you use We may use such technologies for tracking activity on, preparing reports, assessing trends, and otherwise monitoring the way in which is being used. By accepting the Terms of use of and this Privacy Policy, you confirm your consent use of cookies, and other such technologies, for these purposes. If you do not wish to receive cookies, you may configure your Internet browser to erase all cookies from your computer’s hard drive, block all cookies or to receive a warning before a cookie is stored.


We take all steps reasonably necessary to protect against unauthorized access, use, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of Personal Information. Any information that we collect and store that is personally identifiable is protected using appropriate means, and not responsible for any unauthorized access or use by third parties, unless such access is enabled because of our gross negligence or willful misconduct.

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